17, Jan 2024
Shop Cannabis Canada

Shop Cannabis Canada

With the Shop Cannabis Canada adult-use cannabis market launched in October 2018, there is now a diverse range of retail access points across Canada. The emergence of many private-sector retailers has been complemented by provincial and territorial government monopolies.

Retailers have also diversified the products they offer, introducing new categories such as edibles and extracts — including skin creams and cannabis-infused teas — to complement traditional dried marijuana offerings. These offerings have proven popular among Canadian consumers, and are expected to continue to grow in demand as consumer preferences evolve over time.

Digital Diversity: Exploring the Unique Characteristics of Two Distinct Cannabis Strains Available Online in Canada

While the overall retail sales trend is positive, the cannabis industry continues to face challenges – particularly with respect to margins and profitability. As a result, some licence holders are seeking investors or restructuring in order to better compete. Some are even exiting the market altogether. In total, 95 licence holders closed their doors between October 2018 and July 31, 2022, with revenue reporting from this group representing 9.7% of all revenues reported to Health Canada.

The legislative review of the Cannabis Act includes a focused engagement process with First Nations, Inuit and Metis. It will collect stakeholder perspectives and further evidence to support a broader assessment of the impact of this legislation on Indigenous peoples, communities and economies. Health Canada is also conducting a comprehensive analysis of the impacts of the Cannabis Act on other important priorities of the Government of Canada, including economic growth and inclusiveness. This will involve exploring the impact of the legislation on small businesses and other groups.

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